15 Essentials For Traveling With Kids (with free printable checklist)
“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and NicePak, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #nicencleanwipes http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”
Traveling with kids? From escalator railings to elevator buttons, the airport can be a germy place! Find out my must have item for keeping my girls germ free when we’re away from home, along with my essentials for your next family vacation.
It’s funny…before I had kids, I never worried about germs. Then babies happened! At first it’s all good but once they start crawling, watch out! Once you hit that point, it’s a free for all. They’re touching everything in sight…and it never really stops.
Thank goodness for Nice ‘n CLEAN Antibacterial Hand Wipes. I stock up whenever I go to Walmart because with kids, there’s no such thing as too many wipes! They come in handy in so many situations, whether it’s wiping dirty hands after a trip to the playground or cleaning them up after an art project.
I choose wipes over gels every time because gel just doesn’t get the soil and bacteria off hands and surfaces like wipes do. Plus, since 80% of everyday infections are spread by hands, I like knowing that Nice ‘n CLEAN kills 99.99% of germs.
There are plenty of other reasons why I choose wipes…
For one thing, Nice ‘n CLEAN wipes are natural. They’re made with 100% plant based fiber and are environmentally friendly. They also contain aloe and Vitamin E to keep our hands soft and moisturized.
Even better, they’re safe, especially for children with allergies. These wipes clean 99% of peanut residue from hard surfaces and get rid of allergens so much more effectively than gels. Moms can feel good knowing that they’re comparable to soap and water.
We bring them to clean the tables when we go out for dinner or ice cream. My girls like to take turns being in charge of the wiping.
Now the only thing I have to worry about is how much ice cream they’ll share with me!
Since Nice-Pak has been making wipes for over 60 years, I can totally trust that Nice ‘n CLEAN wipes are a safe choice for me and my family. Plus, they’re perfect for when we’re out and about, whether we’re playing at the park or taking a vacation a thousand miles away.
Traveling With Kids
In fact, there’s no way I can live without these wipes when we travel! Between airport trains, escalator railings and elevator buttons, my girls are touching every germy thing in sight…it’s so gross! I also use them to to clean the pull-down tray on the plane. I gives me a little peace of mind knowing that I can whip out a wipe whenever I need one.
Traveling with kids is fun but definitely requires more planning than traveling alone. The good part is that when I have all the right stuff on hand, it makes things much easier. Nice ‘n CLEAN wipes may be one of my essentials but that’s not all we need. Here’s my printable checklist of the top 15 things you need when traveling with kids:
The post 15 Essentials For Traveling With Kids (with free printable checklist) appeared first on Fun Money Mom.
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