A deer had a bar.

A deer had a bar.

One day, he found the toilet window broken, so he asked the patrons

“Who broke the window!?”

A hare responded, “I kinda did…”

The deer asked “What do you mean by “kinda”?”

The hare says:

“Well, I was taking a dump and after the bear finished his, he took me and tried to wipe his butt, but then he saw I wasn’t toilet paper and threw me right out of the window”.

The deer find the bear $500.

A few days later, the window got broken again, so the deer asked

“Who broke the window!?”

A squirrel responded, “I kinda did…”

The deer asked “What do you mean by “kinda”?”

The squirrel said:

“Well, I was taking a dump and after the bear finished his, he took me and tried to wipe his butt, but then he saw I wasn’t toilet paper and threw me right out of the window”.

The deer find the bear for $1000.

A few days later, the whole toilet got messed up – the fixtures smashed, the toilet broken and bloodied, the window broken, the door scratched, etc.

So the deer asked, “Who did all this!?”

The hedgehog replied

“I kinda did…

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