Angry Wife Cooks Hundred-Thousand-Dollar Pet Fish Of Her Husband Just Because He Is Lazy
A furious wife cooked her husband’s prized arowana pet because he kept delaying cleaning its tank although she nagged him repeatedly about it.
Wife Cooks Husband’s Expensive Pet Fish
Do you keep pets at home? Nowadays, many people enjoy having different kinds of pets. Although dogs and cats are among the most popular pets to have at home, it seems that caring for various species of fish come in third on the list.
Some pet fish can actually be expensive, especially if you plan on picking a specific breed such as koi or arowana.

In fact, the platinum arowana is among the most expensive breeds – costing as much as $430,000 per fish!
So, imagine how netizens were surprised (especially fish enthusiasts) upon learning that a woman from Indonesia named Mia Kurniawan cooked her husband’s expensive fish! Her reason is that she was tired of nagging him about cleaning his tank so she took matters in her own hands.
Kurniawan shared she had been nagging her husband about cleaning his fish tank because she doesn’t like its dirty appearance.
It’s unknown why her husband didn’t clean the tank, considering that arowanas are such expensive breeds. But what’s clear is that the wife got angry and couldn’t take it anymore.

The good news, somehow, is that she didn’t actually cook the fish immediately. She actually tried to clean the fish tank so it will look good.
However, like many other fish breeds, the arowana needs to be accustomed to the waters it has to be moved to. When cleaning the tank, Kurniawan didn’t know that and wasn’t able to follow the correct procedure.
Despite the fact that she did it with good intentions, the arowana grew weak after she cleaned its tank. Considering how expensive it was, Kurniawan decided to cook the fish when it lost its life in the clean tank. What an irony.
Netizens were furious, but Kurniawan’s husband seems to forgive her and is now looking for a new arowana. Let’s just hope he cleans the tank this time – or it might end up with the same fate as this poor fish.
Most Expensive Fish in the World
According to Money Inc, the following are some of the most expensive fishes in the world,
Platinum Arowana ($430,000)
Freshwater Polka Dot Stingray ($100,000)
Peppermint Angelfish ($30,000)
Masked Angelfish ($30,000)
Bladefin Basslet ($10,000)
@miakurniawan01goreng arwana😁#fyp ♬ Singkong & Keju Cover – akhmal.dniel
Source: rachfeed
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