Can You Find Out What’s Wrong With This Image?


If you are ready to put your eyes to the test while having a good time, you’ve come to the right place.

The image below has been trending on social media after users were dared to try and spot all of the mistakes hiding in the picture.

There are so many things wrong with the picture above that we have no idea where to start. We better let you do the hard work first.

Take a close look and try to spot as many mistakes as possible before scrolling down to view the answers.

There are TEN things seriously wrong with the picture. How many were you able to spot? If you’re not yet ready for the answer and want to have another go at the puzzle, go ahead. Otherwise, here comes the solution.

First of all, let’s focus on the objects closest to us. The first thing we noticed was the large spill on the chair. We also noticed a watering can and cabbage on the bedside table. Who would put that in a bedroom!?

If you take a close look at the floor, you might also see a rake poking out from underneath the bed. Imagine if someone were to step on it first thing in the morning!

Moving on, one can see a shoe pretending to be a wall lamp and a pair of paddles that definitely don’t belong in this room. There is also a hat hanging from the ceiling.

On the other bedside table, there is a duck hiding behind a vase. Left to it there is also a shower conveniently located in a… cabinet!? Poor clothes.

As for the final mistake, look out of the window. What you see is a rocky surface and planet Earth in the background. This bedroom appears to be out of this world – literally.

In total, we counted 10 mistakes in the picture!

What are your thoughts on this picture puzzle? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more fun and riddles, follow us on Facebook!


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