Can You Solve This Tricky Equation Without A Calculator?


The quiz below is a brainteaser that will challenge your entire brainpower. If you get stuck, don’t worry: We have put the solution down below. However, give it a real try and don’t peek! Are you ready? Let’s go!

Do you have an idea already? Really take a closer look to make sure, your theory is right.

So, how sharp is your brain? Let’s find the solution together

Check the answer below:

50 + 50 – 25 x 0 + 2 + 2 = ?

First,we need to solve the multiplication: 25 x 0 = 0

Now the actual equation is 50 + 50 – 0 + 2 + 2 = ?

The solution is: 100 + 4 = 104


The post Can You Solve This Tricky Equation Without A Calculator? appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.


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