Eye Test: You’ve got 30 seconds to find all the „b’s“
This test might look easy – but don’t be fooled
These questions are some of the trickiest we’ve ever seen, and only a select few have solved them!
Are you able to multi-task and focus enough to catch the odd one out?
Give it a try and see if you can answer these tricky questions!
You’ve got 30 seconds. How many b’s among the d’s can you find?
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Challenge: Are you able to find the letter that stands out?
Can you find the letter that stands out?
The challenge below is a typical example of what my friends and I usually send to each other. You need to find the letter that’s different from the rest in the picture. Focus all your senses.
Here’s the picture. Can you find the letter that stands out?
How did it go? If you found it, congratulations! If you didn’t, no worries, you can see the answer below.
There’s a P hiding among all R’s. Not easy to find if you don’t focus.
Okay, we’ll try another one. Will you be able to find the letter that doesn’t belong this time? Here’s the picture.
This one is even harder so if you succeeded you should really give yourself a pat on the back. If you didn’t, below you can see the answer.
There! It’s quite difficult, I really struggled to find the W myself.
The post Eye Test: You’ve got 30 seconds to find all the „b’s“ appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.
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