Harry Potter Valentine Box


Ready to make those Valentine’s boxes for school? Hogwarts fans will love making this Harry Potter Valentine box to collect all their cards!

Harry Potter Valentine Box - Do the kids need Valentine Boxes for Valentine's Day? Every little Harry Potter fan will love making a Harry Potter box to collect those Valentines! #ValentinesDay #valentinesbox #harrypottervalentinebox #harrypotterbox #valentinecraft #harrypottercraft

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I love making Valentine Boxes and have made everything from a Sponge Bob Valentine Box to a Unicorn Valentine Box. My favorite to this day though is the Monster Book Of Monsters Valentine Box!  I liked it so much that I decided to continue the theme and create another Harry Potter Valentine Box this year.  

It wasn’t hard and I think it turned out super cute. It’s the perfect Valentine’s Day box for Harry Potter fans and both younger and older kids can have fun with it. For the younger fans, mom or dad can cut out the shapes and let the kids glue them together. Older kids should be able to do it on their own.

You won’t need many supplies, just white, black, red and yellow construction paper. One sheet of red and yellow should be enough but you may want a couple white and black sheets. Grab some scissors, a glue gun and some glue sticks and you’re good to go! (Side note: If you do a lot of crafting, these cordless glue guns will rock your world!)

Harry Potter Valentine Box

Start by covering a box with white paper. Just to get a feel for the size I used, this was a Cheez-It box. Don’t forget to cut an opening in the back for the Valentine’s Day cards.

White box for Harry Potter Valentine Box

Next up…the hair. This was the trickiest part for me and it took a little trial and error (and a few wasted sheets of black paper). Just play around with it until you have a look that you like. Remember to leave one spot a little open…that’s where Harry’s scar will go.

Harry Potter craft with hair

I went around the sides with the paper but didn’t cover the back.

Side of Harry Potter box

Next, I started working on the eyes. To make circles, I usually just find everyday objects in my house to use for tracers.

I had already pulled out some mason jar lids to make a Minion Valentine box and they were the perfect size. I traced the inside twice and cut out the circles. Then I used a spice lid to trace white circles.

Circles for Harry Potter glasses

I traced two more black circles with a coin and cut small pieces of white paper to make a small reflection. I glued a long strip of black paper around the front and sides, then glued the black circles over the top. The white circles when on top of those, then the small black circles. Finally I added the small “reflection” pieces.

Harry Potter glasses for Valentine Box

Of course, it wouldn’t be Harry Potter without the famous lightening bolt scar.  

Harry Potter scar

For the scarf, glue a strip of red construction paper around the bottom.

Harry Potter scar

Finally, some yellow strips glued over the top finished off the Harry Potter box.

Scarf for Harry Potter Valentine Box

That’s it…pretty easy, right? My little Harry Potter fans loved it!

Harry Potter Valentine Box 680

What should I try next year? Maybe a golden snitch? Ron and Hermione? Share your suggestions!

If you need more Valentine Box ideas, you may want to check these out too…

Fun Money Mom Valentine’s Day Boxes

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Cute Valentine Boxes From Around The Web


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Valentine Cake With A Sweet Surprise 

The post Harry Potter Valentine Box appeared first on Fun Money Mom.


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