Low Carb Diet that Can Help You Lose a Lot of Weight

Specialists say that eating more proteins and fibers than fats and carbohydrates remarkably assist weight loss. Proteins and fibers containing foods are full of essential nutrients that body need to stay energetic and filled for longer and they help the body to metabolize the fats quickly and lose weight. Conversely, carbohydrates and fats when exceed the normal level get accumulated in the body and make you fat, opposite to what you actually want.

Therefore, specialists recommend eating foods with low carbohydrates to lose weight. Low carb foods are actually the ones that limit the carbohydrate entry into the body and help the body lose weight by enabling it to store fewer fats.

What is the low carb food?

There are a lot of food categories which offer low carbs and high proteins. If you want to lose weight without counting your calories and keeping a statistical check on what are you eating, low carb foods are best for you. You can eat:


You can use eggs which are full of protein but lack carbs that help you lose weight. Try to get organic or pastured eggs.


Meat such as beef, chicken, lamb and others is the best source of low carbs that help you lose weight.


Let the green vegetables such as Spanish and other vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli make some place on your dining table that will help you lose weight.


Blueberries, strawberries, orange, apple, grapes also make low carb portion that can help you lose weight.

Dairy products and nuts

Dairy products are also full of essential nutrients and minerals that help the body lose weight and are low in carbs. Similarly, nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, almonds etc are best to use as low carb food.


Cold water and wild caught fish are also one of the low carb foods that help you lose weight such as trout, haddock, salmon etc.


How can we forget water? Water also helps your body excrete the carbs as early as possible to lose weight.


Coffee has caffeine that is best known for its fat burning qualities. It also makes the low carb drink that can help you lose weight.

Green Tea

If you are working out or following a low carb diet, drinking 2-3 cups of green tea per day can boost up the effects of your ultimate efforts to lose weight.

What you should avoid

When we have a lot of options, we get confused and if the matter is about food, our inner-self urges us to go for all we love. But for achieving certain goals we always need to sacrifice some valuable things. So, avoid these foods if you want to lose weight without putting much effort in the gym.

  • Soft Drinks
  • Artificial flavored juices
  • Energy drinks, ice creams
  • Breads
  • Pastas (also other gluten grains)
  • Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame etc
  • Highly processed food (eat homemade low carb food instead)

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