Most adults fail this simple math test – but can you figure out the right answer?


Can you figure out the solution for this mathematics quiz – without a calculator?

Okay, now onto the challenge itself.

In the picture below, we see a mathematics problem made for middle schoolers.

The challenge: are you able to solve it without a calculator?

Remember the order of operations. What part should you solve first?

Think about it carefully so you answer correctly!

To help you along, we’ve provided 3 solutions.

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Can you solve this simple math problem?






Below the next picture, you will find the correct answer.


The correct answer is A: 61.

Why is that?

Well, first of all, we have to start by solving the multiplication, 60 x 0, which will be 0.

So this leaves us with 60 + 0 + 1 and so, it becomes quite easy to see that the correct answer is 61.

But if you forget you must always start with the multiplication, then it gets tricky!

Did you solve the problem correctly? Congratulations to you!

The post Most adults fail this simple math test – but can you figure out the right answer? appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.


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