Most people will fail this test – can you find the odd letter out?


Can you find the letter that stands out?

Time to concentrate

Lately, a new type of challenge has been circulating online, it comprises finding a specific detail in an image.

It is often quite difficult and you must really focus to succeed.

But if you try your best it becomes easier to solve, and you get a boost in confidence from the achievement.

Find a letter that sticks out. Can you?

Okay, here’s the challenge today.

Below there’s a picture filled with Y’s.

The challenge is to find a letter that is not a Y. There a few.

Here is the picture – will you find an odd letter?

Did you see at least one? It’s not easy, but it should be fine if you focus.

If you can’t make it, then the answer is below.






Here is the right answer

The solution comes in the picture below.

There, quite far down the right, there is a T!

A bit more to the left, you can also find both V and X.

It wasn’t easy, and the colors didn’t really help.

Did you solve it on your own? Congratulations on that case!

Challenge: Are you able to find the letter that stands out?

Can you find the letter that stands out?

The challenge below is a typical example of what my friends and I usually send to each other. You need to find the letter that’s different from the rest in the picture. Focus all your senses.

Here’s the picture. Can you find the letter that stands out?

How did it go? If you found it, congratulations! If you didn’t, no worries, you can see the answer below.

There’s a P hiding among all Rs. Not easy to find if you don’t focus.

Okay, we’ll try another one. Will you be able to find the letter that doesn’t belong this time? Here’s the picture.

This one is even harder so if you succeeded you should really give yourself a pat on the back. If you didn’t, below you can see the answer.

There! It’s quite difficult, I really struggled to find the W myself.

The post Most people will fail this test – can you find the odd letter out? appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.


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