Reasons to Love Adoption and Adoptive Parents
It all started when Heather was only 6 weeks old, she went in for an ultrasound, as she was experiencing digestive issues. During the ultrasound, it was found that Heather’s ovaries had not properly developed, and were not connected properly to her fallopian tubes. Her doctor at the time figured that it would be best to simply remove her ovaries completely.
At the age of 13, Heather learned from her parents that she would never be able to have children.
It was around then that Heather began to research adoption.
Yet, as Heather grew older, she was upset by the possibility of having to tell her prospective husband that she would never be able to grow and birth their children. Thankfully she met Jason, her now husband, who was also a single dad of 2 little boys.
Before Heather and Jason got engaged, Heather had told Jason her biggest life secret, one that only a handful of people knew. With love and understanding, Jason assured Heather that it did not matter how their children would come to them. They would be their children.
In June 2017, Heather and Jason were approved to adopt. After loads of research, the couple decided that they did not want to go to an agency, believing that there were some shady ones, with fees close to $55k. So they set out to do it on their own, they marketed themselves online and through social media. They created a Facebook Page, paid for targeted ads, and they also had an Instagram page with pictures of their life. Additionally, they created a profile on
A handful of women had contacted them, but they had turned out to be scams. Feeling slightly discouraged, yet still optimistic, the day came when a young woman emailed them explaining that her friend was pregnant and looking for an adoptive family.
On September 1st, 2017, Heather and Jason received another call from a woman in Missouri, and the conversation lasted for an hour and a half. Over the next month, they built a relationship and became increasingly excited. Their only concern at this point is that the woman had never sent over an official proof of pregnancy.
There have been cases of women faking ultrasounds and blood tests online, yet Heather trusted this woman and was ready to commit. Jason was a little more precautious and insisted upon renewing their profile one more time.
They renewed their profile on October 1st, 2017, and received a message the following day from another expectant mother. She had been watching Heather & Jason’s profile and wanted to meet.
Two days later, in a diner 20-minutes from their house. A very pregnant girl walked in with her mom. After breakfast, which included viewing some ultrasounds, and feeling some baby kicks, the girl asked Heather and Jason to adopt her baby and to love him forever.
Just 3-weeks later, Heather and Jason watched the birth of their first son, Andy. Heather was the first to hold him and kiss his tiny hands, on October 30th, 2017.
After taking Andy home, Heather and Jason were adjusting to being new parents together. All the while, still talking to the other expectant mother who had still never provided proof of pregnancy. This still expecting mother shared that she found a family for her baby, and congratulated Heather on Andy.
However in January 2018, Heather received a call back from this woman, she explained how she did not feel good about this other family adopting her baby, and she told Heather that she knew this baby was supposed to be theirs.
Heather was holding her 3-month old baby boy at the time, as the woman sent pictures of her ultrasounds, showing her growing baby.
Speechless, but deep-down – Heather knew.
Six weeks later, Heather, Jason, and Andy flew out to Missouri and met a woman and her three children, the night before she was to be induced. The next day they watched their son Ellis be born. Again Heather was the first to hold him and kiss his tiny hands.
Heather never imagined that she would have 2 newborns, only 4 months apart. As Heather shares in her article, “Adoption is an amazing thing. Because of a woman’s greatest sacrifice and selfless decision, I became a mom. To 2 of the most perfect baby boys, I could have ever asked for”.
Heather and Jason have maintained open adoptions with both of their boys’ birth parents. They talk, send pictures and have even met up.
Four months after Ellis was born, Heather and Jason reached out to his birth mother, she knew that her family was in a rough spot and decided to offer their oldest child a trip to spend some time with Ellis. Sean took a plane for the first time by himself at 10 years old to visit his brother/adoptive parents. When eventually 10 days turned into all summer.
Sean had ended up making friends in his new surroundings and even made the football team. At the end of summer, he called his mom to ask if he could stay. She agreed to whatever would make him happy.
Sean has now been living with Heather and Jason for over 6-months, and his football team made it all the way to the playoffs.
We should be reminded that Jason already had two children from his previous marriage, and now Heather and Jason have 5 boys, 3 of which they added to the family within 3 months.
While Heather did not give birth to any of these 5 boys. She is their Mom.
Both Andy and Ellis’ adoptions have been finalized. Making them official Orams. Jason’s boys are in shared custody with their birth mother, and they are unsure of how long Sean will end up staying. Family does not have to be blood. Family comes in many shapes and sizes. It’s love that matters.
This heartwarming story can be found on Love What Matters, and you can find the Oram family’s Instagram @heathercrock
The post Reasons to Love Adoption and Adoptive Parents appeared first on The Hearty Soul.
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