She Applied Vaseline On Her Breast Daily And After 30 Days The Results Are More Than Amazing!
Vaseline is the product with numerous purposes and most of the people use it for lip care, rough ankles and elbows. However, have you ever applied Vaseline on the breasts?
If the answer is NO, you definitely need to read this article, as you will be surprised of all of the things that the Vaseline can do for you and your skin.
Although there isn’t a scientific proves that by rubbing Vaseline on the breasts on daily basis you will increase the cup size of your bra, many women that have tried it, claim that is really efficient. We must agree that it sounds a bit weird, but there is no harm in trying the newly discovered remedy.
The method is very simple and so easy: just rub Vaseline all over the breasts and after that apply toothpaste on your nipples. Repeat the method each night before going to sleep until you get the resultsyou desire.
As we mentioned above, Vaseline has many different uses, and here are some of the beauty uses of Vaseline:
Vaselinecan make your eyelashes grow: just apply Vaseline all over the eyelashes before going to sleep.
Efficiently softens the dry and cracked elbows.
Dry cuticles: in some mini- container store a bit of Vaseline and put it in your purse. Apply it on dry cuticles and the handstoo.
Help your scent stick around: rub a bit of Vaseline on the perfume points (i.e. the neck, behind the ear, wrists and cleavage) and your scent is going to last much longer!
For kissable, luscious lips: during the winter and fall the lips become cracked and dry. Apply Vaseline and make the lips dewy and irresistible. You could combine Vaseline with Kool-Aid powder and on that way make your own colored and flavored lip gloss.
Perfect for an eye-shadow/blush boost: you could get nice glossy effect by simply applying some Vaseline under the eye shadow. Also, you could apply on the apples of the cheeks for a dewy glow. Make your own cream blusher by mixing it with your lipstick.
Lots of people believe that Vaseline clogs pores, however that is not true. All you need to do is to smear it all over the face, arms and neck and make your skin really soft.
Lipstick smudges: spread Vaseline over your teeth and the lipstick smudges will disappear!
Makeup remover: remove the mascara easily by applying some Vaseline to a Q-tip.
To get the nail polish bottles open: rub some Vaseline under the cap and the next time you want to open your nail polish bottles it will be super easy.
Prevent spray-tan streaks: you can easily prevent seriously frightening spray tan lines by just rubbing Vaseline all over the backs of thehands, ankles andknees.
Prevent the hair dye to seep onto your forehead: take tiny amount of Vaseline and dab all over your hairline. This is going to prevent the hair dye to dye your forehead.
To make your accessories look sparking new: apply a small dab on the shoes and make them look like new again. And now you are ready for your job interview or your hot date.
Hide Split Ends: Hide the damaged and drysplit ends with a bit of Vaseline.
Vaseline is your new exfoliating body wash: prepare body scrub by just mixing Vaseline and sea salt. Apply it and gently rub the skin, and then rinse off. Your skin is going to be incredibly soft.
Remove makeup stains from your clothes. All you need to do is to dab a little Vaseline with a damp cloth.
Use Vaseline to smooth and to soothe your skin after shaving.
Apply a bit of Vaseline on your ear lobes and on that way you will lubricate them and make the earring insertion painlessandeasy.
Remove false eyelash glue from the lash line extremely easy.
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