The Doctor And His Wife Were Playing Golf. –

The doctor and his wife were playing golf at the club and she drove a 300-yard tee shot straight down the fairway.

The doctor said Wow I have never seen you play this well before!

Marie says I took lessons.

A couple of days later on the tennis court in mixed doubles, she smashes her serves and never misses a point.

The doctor said Wow I have never seen you hit so well before!

Marie says I took lessons.

On the weekend they settled into a nice dinner at home.

Marie brings out the perfect plates of Beef Wellington and the doctor says Wow I have never seen you cook like this before!

She says I took lessons.

After dinner, she gives him That look and they go upstairs.

About 30 minutes later the doctor rolls over and says Wow! That was incredible, amazing, so hot! I want a divorce.

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