Two Men Were Waiting At A Bus Stop.

Two men were waiting at a bus stop and struck up a conversation.

One of them started complaining about his family problems.

After listening for a while, the other man said,

“You think you have family problems? Let me tell you about mine…

A few years ago, I met a young widow with a grown-up daughter, and we got married.

Then, my dad married my stepdaughter.

That made my stepdaughter my stepmother, and my dad became my stepson-in-law. Also, my wife became the mother-in-law to her own father-in-law.

But it gets more complicated. My stepmother—who is my stepdaughter—had a son.

This boy is my half-brother because he’s my dad’s son, but he’s also my wife’s grandson.

That makes me the grandfather of my own half-brother!

It didn’t stop there. My wife and I later had a son.

So now, the half-sister of my son—my stepmother—is also his grandmother.

And my dad, who is his brother-in-law, is the stepbrother of my dad’s wife!”

The other man blinked, trying to process everything, before finally fainting from the confusion.

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