Paleo diet good or bad? Top Facts And Myths About Paleo Diet

In the recent years, Paleo diet has gained huge popularity as it has been found to be helpful in losing weight while maintaining the nutritional qualities of the food.

What is a paleo diet?

Prior to the development of agriculture was the era of the Paleolithic men who were also known as the hunter gatherers. Their diet comprised of unprocessed food– mainly they thrived on fruits and flesh of animals. Paleo diet is all about maintaining the natural form of any food item.

Why paleo diet?

It has been claimed over the years that paleo diet is ideal for keeping diseases like diabetes (type 2), heart disease etc. at bay. But for that you need to have a thorough knowhow about paleo diet. It is altogether different than the diet you have usually or regularly. While preparing Paleo diet you need to leave out food items like processed carbohydrate, sugar, legumes etc. But that does not mean you need to live on raw food stuff. Being on paleo diet will help you lose weight, gain more energy and prevent many chronic ailments.

Your paleo diet should include the different essential ingredients of food in a definite proportion:

  • Sufficient amount of protein should be included in your plate.
  • Fresh vegetables should be there.
  • You should take starch from small to medium quantity
  • There should be fat like coconut oil or ghee in your diet.

Food items that can be included in your diet

There are some food items that you should include in your diet if you are planning to live on paleo diet. The chief objective of paleo diet is to return human beings to natural food and reclaim their health. There are some food items that should be included on your paleo diet. Below is given a list of those food items:

Olive oil

Coconut oil


Omega 3 eggs (eggs that are laid by grass fed hens have a rich content of omega 3 fatty acids)

Alaskan Salmon

Beef (grass fed)



Foods that should be excluded from your paleo diet

Conventionally in paleo diet, foods that have come through evolution after the Paleolithic era, or during the Neolithic era, should be avoided. However, there are some food items specifically that should be excluded from the list.

Dairy– cheese, milk, butter, sour cream

Grains– rice, barley, oats, corn

Alcohol– vodka, whisky, scotch, gin

Sweeteners-sucralose, malt syrup

Oil-canola oil, margarine, peanut oil, vegetable oil

Foods that are considered to be paleo

There are some micronutrients that are to be included in your paleo diet. Vitamins C and K, calcium, copper, zinc etc you can get from kale. You can get Vitamins B, A, foliate, iron, from meat liver. Bone broth is a good source of phosphorus, calcium, gelatin and magnesium and you get iodine from seaweed. Apart from all these there are some food stuffs that you should eat in a measured amount:

    • Nuts- These are considered “paleo” and healthy. But they have anti-nutrient ingredients. So they should be eaten in small proportion.
    • Coffee- Although it is a debatable issue whether coffee is beneficial for health, it is advised that it should be taken as less as possible.
    • Herbs- There are herbs like coriander, basil, paprika, parsley– all these you can add in your food to add flavor.
    • Others- There are beverages like honey and maple syrup you should take but in small amounts as all these add to your calorie.

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