How to Flatten Your Lower ABS

Have you been wishing to look better in your swimsuit or in maxi slit dress at an official dinner but your stomach and lower abs is constantly embarrassing you in public? Stop wishing and do something about it now. Pushing your lower abs in and curbing the belly fats in not an issue anymore if you know the right tactics for how to lose weight. Watching what your body receives and what it burns out in a day can solve the highly anticipated mystery of fitness for you. Let’s dig deeper into what you need to do to flatten your lower abs.

Flush your body with a lot of water

Believe it or not, drinking water doesn’t only keeps you hydrated but also hits the fat cells in all of your body including your lower abs and oxidize them into hydrogen and carbon dioxide that you breathe out. Solved? Therefore, only drinking 6-8 glass of water a day can help you way more than your expectations.

Trick your body with altering calorie intake

Studies reveal that lowering maximum 500 calories from your overall intake per day can help you lose half to 1 pound per week. Isn’t it cool? Give it a go now and burn more calories than you are taking in. That will make your stomach habitual of eating less and will automatically help you shrink the fats from your lower abs. How can you cut the calories? Leaving the sugary beverages and fast food/processed food can simply seal the deal for you.

Watch your portions

Eating less will never leave you famished if you are eating right.  Choose the food with more proteins and fibers such as whole grains, eggs, vegetables, fruits, shakes etc. and snack 4-5 times a day. Dividing your whole calories intake also tricks your body into burning more subcutaneous and visceral fat covering your midsection and gives you strengthened core muscles and V-shaped torso, maybe.

Cardio is gold

Doing moderately intense to highly intense cardio or aerobic exercise such as running, jogging, brisk walking, cycling etc. 300 minutes a week can help you curb the fats from your abdominal region and can assist you to flatten your lower abs. Even the light cardio makes your abdominal region attractive and also keeps you away from various chronic illnesses such as diabetes type 2, heart strokes, cancer and blood pressure issues.

Trim your abs for yourself

Set a routine and make a circuit for flattening your lower abs. Choose 3-5 intensified exercises that can hit your lower abs and involve yourself into it for at least 30 minutes a day. Do oblique crunches, abdominal crunches, single leg sit-ups, front planks, side planks and see your fats from the abdominal region flying away.

Note: Make your visit to your physical and fitness trainer sure before going for any hard exercise. Coupling the right intensity exercises with the right diet will flatten your abs and will help you live a fit and hot life.

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