Emily Liedtke Lost 211 Pounds and Here Is How-Success Story
Emily Liedtke, a woman in her 40s carrying the 129 pounds happily shared her weight losing success story with Lindsay Murray and she has shocked the world with her striking changed appearance and www.howtoloseweight.com.pk is going to reveal how.
Revealed secrets
She told that she had always been an active girl in her early life who was outgoing. She was a regular visitor of the gym and she used to do hiking passionately. But, as she told, she used to spread the water over her efforts by eating afterwards. She explained her efforts with trying different diet plans, calorie restrictions and even different weight losing pills but all went in vain just because she was not physically doing something to control her weight. And that’s was the thing that brought her to a severe backache 9 and her blood pressure gets abnormally higher and she ends up bearing a stroke. She stated that her doctor warned about her lifestyle and that she can lose her life over the unhealthy living. That was enough to motivate her to get up and do something to her life and that’s the moment when she started her struggle.
The simple beginning to glorious ending
She said that jumping to a difficult exercise and strict diet plan was grand at the beginning. So, she gave some time to her body to get habitual of the change first. She started with a light walk and did it for 6 days a week. Just a simple walk made her lose 80 pounds in relatively less time. That was an accomplishment for her. She focused on her diet and started to watch what and how much she was eating. She started using small portions from small plates and reduce her calorie intake in a glorious way.
A further step towards perfection
When she was done with training her body to keep calm during the change, she joined the gym and started going there two days a week. She added healthy diet with more proteins and less fats in her routine such as whole meals including eggs, vegetables, fruits and eggs that made lose other 60 pounds. She stated that when she was satisfied with what she was doing, she entered into a competition and lost 37 more pounds that made her win a big cash prize. Having a reward for the efforts you are subjectively doing for yourself is more than amazing. That worked for her as a great motivation and inspiration that she ended up losing 211 pounds and she dropped from 340 pounds to 129 pounds. A big applause.
She is now even working as an instructor and sharing her stories with other fellows.
Liedtke’s top recommendations
Emily always tells her fellows to seek motivation from themselves by changing the self-motivational vocab from past to present forms and find a better reward for yourself even for a slight activity. But that reward mustn’t be with fatty food in a restaurant, mind it. She suggests as an answer to how to lose weight by adding up a tip to start with less time target such as 10-15 minutes and when you are done with it, your body will automatically urge you to continue. Happy weight loss!
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