How Almonds Help You Lose Weight

Theoretically, weight loss and great love for food can’t survive together. You might have been skimming the articles telling you about skipping food and heading for an intensive exercise. But the verity opposes this concept and offers you a huge opportunity to eat whatever you crave for, but in a controlled way.
Here at, you will be embracing different foods that help you lose weight including vegies, fruits, nuts, oils and a lot more because there is the reality that lies behind all of this verbalization of food being helpful for weight loss.
As for nuts, it is believed that they turn the tiny fatty entities in your body into the bigger ones. But the fact is contrary.
Hitting the misconception about the almond as the source of weight gain, a recent study put forward the figures that their participants-both make and female-consumed 43g portions of slightly salted and dry roasted almonds every day for four weeks. As a result, the level of vitamin E and good (mono-saturated) fats raised but they didn’t gain any weight.
Similarly, another study called Harvard Nurses ‘Health Study revealed that females who used 5 or more than 5 ounces of nuts in a week (90 almonds) got their heart disease risk lowered by 35% than those females who rarely or never take nuts. Similarly, in another study at Harvard it was found that if you’re eating nuts twice a week, it will also be reducing the chances of heart attack to your fragile blood pumper.

Why almonds help weight loss?

Almonds don’t only help you control your weight but also motivate your immune system to shield you from cardiovascular or intellectual diseases. For weight loss, there are certain facts about these handsome nuts that you’ll surely find beneficial for your vigour.

Almonds contain fats-Good fats

Unlike junk or processed food, almonds contain the robust fatty acids called omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9. Robust is the sense of health as they are mono-saturated fats carrying the bouquet of benefits as opposed to saturated or trans fats. These fats don’t help your mass being gathered unevenly around your bones. These healthy fats are actually vigorous for weight loss as a research says men who take low-calorie and happy fat diet lose more weight than the men taking low-good fat and happy calorie diet. Resolved?

Almonds contain fiber

Not needing any introduction, fibers are the key food elements that knock the mass out. Not directly though, but they assist your stomach in demanding less food and digest already stored food quite smoothly. This, in turn, helps you crave less, eat less and limit your calorie intake leads you to the grand kingdom of fitness. To witness the ultimate magic of fibers in almond, you should consume them with their skin intact. Happy eating!

Almonds make best snacks

According to a renowned research published at NBCI snacking has undeviating up shots at body weight. A slight carelessness with the type and time of snack can lead you to your previous chubby and alarming BMI. But replacing your junk grub with the healthy and nutritive nuts can do the trick for you.

Full of proteins

Not only healthy fats and fibers, almonds are complete package offering you a cozy bunch of proteins as well. DO you know the tricks of proteins? Let me take you there. Proteins deal your bodily system quite similarly as fibers. Making you full, offering you energy, stuffing you with nutritive bites, smothering your digestion and hitting your immune system to help it treat you better. A widespread raft, though.

Almonds hit your belly fats fiercely

Our mommies usually run after us holding a glass of milk, some toast or a handful of almonds to feed us before going to school (in the childhood of course) but we don’t realise how important those entities are for our mighty well-being. Not only stuffing you with plenty of nutrients, minerals and vitamins almonds are energy producers too that can hit your belly fats to turn them into ashes or in right word turn them into carbon dioxide. (When we lose fats, where do they go?)

How can you take almonds?

For an edible like almonds, you don’t necessarily need any recipe. You can take them in any form at any time at any place. Take them in breakfast, crush them into milk, sprinkle their powder over your desserts or use them into porridge. For almonds, diversity awaits.
Shortly, offering you an all-covering package of nutrients, almonds twist your taste buds with heavenly delighted bites and ultimately help you eat less digest smoothly and lose weight without even pondering over how to lose weight.

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